It is all about mind-body dualism. That you are not this body. You are just experiencing it and not -
it. But that does not immediately lead to soul. There are a number of differences between Religion and Spirituality and it is that we don't do stuff in order to "please" some deity who created us. We, in fact don't feel like the creator of the Universe to be like person. In fact according to Osho, "theology is all such nonsense".. many philosophers including spiritual leaders have argued that the humans draw their Gods as humans, tribals have tribal God, Negros have a negro God, Japanese have Japanese looking Gods. This is not plausible and indicates there is no absolute truth about Gods which is conceivable.
Wait, how can be you spiritual without believing in God?
Because there is more evidence to spirits, sacred geometry, etc than a religious God. If you make such an argument you conclude that spirituality arises from God but the fact is God in himself is spiritual and not physical. We, in our current sense of science understanding know that the source is something non physical. Matter is just an illusion and almost 99% of everything is actually -
nothing. Stuff is coming from non-stuff. Consciousness is not physical. Hence we know source is not in any shape or size- so to say that God created Man in his own image is absurd. This is a sense of narcissism. "My God who created the entire Universe looks like me."
Even if I agree that spirituality cannot happen without a faith in a religious God- then I will ask which God? Whether Abrahamic? Allah? Jesus? or Krishna or Zeus or Zoarastrian God? Which God? If I am born in India, I will believe in Krishna and source my spirituality from him, if I am born in Greek, I will derive my spirituality from Zeus, If I am a Muslim I will derive my spirituality from Allah. So, the source is irrelevant, but what everything has in common is the same thing- spirituality. In fact, "Everybody is an atheist" according to Richard Dawkins. Let me tell you religious Gods in a nutshell-
GODS- Invisible, inaudible and imperceptible creatures who created this entire Universe to have a relationship with creatures residing in absolute tiny tiniest parts of it specifically with one species- Luckily us. They spent so much time- 10 billion years to build this Universe, intrinsically placing each and each Galaxy in order and of perfect size and shape, exploding billions and billions of stars, and then to create an absolute tiny blue dot in the entire cosmos. And then after creating it, still waited for 4 more billion years before realizing that the true test of spirits is to make them a body in his own image and after 14 billion years of perfect creation and world
JUST for humans, to test the creatures in order to provide ETERNITY of happiness or torture have given mere 100 years of life with a truly skeptic mind and ever growing thrust to know things and on the basis of their faith for
bad evidence. In order to "help" humanity achieve heaven , they mouthed morals to primates, yet had none themselves. Who pledged vengeance upon crimes yet committed the all. Who swore forgiveness yet created Hell, who promised mercy yet sired Satan and allows Satan to live but decides to mercilessly kill and torture all those who gets carried away from him without providing a clear guidance. Who vowed to spread love yet sold us slavery. Who preached peace yet promoted genocide. Who told "Thou shalt not kill" but relevant to be applied only to your own tribe.
Realised the dilemma? We all are atheists to every God other than our religion, some people just go one God further, according to Dawkins. Now being Atheist should not mean materialism. Materialism is now not only old but is highly irrelevant and non-senseical. The "material" which we are made up of has absolute no reason to stay in their place as what we perceive to be. Quantum particles are non-local and we cannot determine their energy or position at the same time. Let me share with you some facts -
The enzymes which we are made of- chances of happening and being arranged in that level of sequence, according to Harvard University Maths professor is 10 raised to 40,000! That's more than the number of atoms we are made up of. So, if we think that it was all an accident, than the probability of success itself happens outside the total possibilities with the atoms. Plus the fact, that the Universe does not comprise of only organic matter leave the chances to be even less. So the probability is zero, not closed to zero, but just absurd. Scientists are discussing about it, physicists are discussing about this. But Materialists will just jump into the conversation and would overwhelmingly burden us with their extraordinarily logical and apprehension skills and can and WILL just convincingly conclude that "this" kind of "accidents" can occur. Now, the basic problem with this so overwhelmingly ignorant and highly biased attitude of saying that a printing press exploded into a dictionary, is that we don't see these kind of stuff happening in our daily lives. A universe which is in order just merely through accident should constitute of components which arrange themselves through accident and explosion. But we clearly see that this is not the truth. No amount of explosion in Earth will make things in order. Reality is more absurd than our wildest imagination of so thin possibilities of order within chaos. Clearly there is something much more than this concept. There are two theories which tries to low down our awe and a non-belief in materialism, i.e the theories which materialists use are-
1) There are Multi-verses. Please note that this theory is different from parallel Universes. Parallel Universes(which is slightly less difficult to believe but still not plausible enough to explain our observations) deals with different Universes which are equally orderly but the events are different. For example, in a different Universe YOU are probably not reading this post. But YOU are still there. And the Sun, the moon and everything which is required to constitute your existence is there. Only change is the consequence of the Universe, but the Universe remains still the same. That is why the term "parallel" and not "different". Multiverses says that there is a "Universe ejector" which ejects billions and billions of Universes and we are just in one of them statistically existing to be able to suit us. Now, this attitude of the argumentor shows that he has no absolute understandings of science and views everything in just abstract form. That every development and progress and hard work is just a joke and has no meaning and sense in a remote form. This only seem to logically explain things. That there are infinite number of Universes having different physical constants and we are one of them which has the elements supporting our life. Problem? The Universe ejector itself needs to be fine tuned! To create different Universes with different physical constants- for example one Universe to create which has the speed of light as 3.1 x 10^8, that universe is to be tuned to be able to produce distinct Universes otherwise both of them will collapse into one. There is no argument in return to that.
2) Universe is infinite and has different components for supporting different existences- This argument has basically come after realizing that the above argument is not sufficient. And also that there is not one factor for us, but there are numerous factors. ALL(I repeat, all) physical constants if disturbed in a order of 1 in 10^120, all forms of life could not exist. Realize the number, and this is not just for one, but all the constants. Plancks constant, Gravitation constant, Speed of light, Speed of sound, and hundreds of them. If even if one of them are disturbed in the order of 1 in 10 to the power of FREAKING 120, we could not exist. To say that this is just an accident is not sensible and is not logical to begin with. This fact can be confirmed with any theoritical physicist if you don't trust my knowledge. This is why almost all physicists are now increasingly becoming interested in the supernatural, or life after death, consciousness, etc. Even doctors. Which leads to numerous experiments on death and observations and studes on consciousness and spiritual healing, we will discuss them in later posts.
For now debunking the argument. Universe is infinite and in its infinite sphere of existence, it has different laws and we are in one of the region. In short, Universal constants are not not universal. If we accept this, even then our observations are not coinciding. If we slice our matters and explore the quantum mechanics, they are so nasty that they just ridicule our mechanics in our face. Projectile motion, gravitational force makes absolute no sense in the quantum world. The laws are completely different. So the particles we are made of, do not follow the law we do. Wait what? The "stuff" which we are made of does not follow the laws which we do. So, in the same region of Universe, the laws are different for different scales of world. Needless to also say, the region is highly in order and we have no connection to relate the two world. No connection at all. In this reality, argumenting such non-sensical statements is just absurd is not coming from a scientific mind. These minds are highly biased towards thinking stuff which they want to think and believe. This is just running from reality and turns down our desire to know more and more. Just like what religions do.
While religions try to put God in everything, Materialists try to remove God from everything. To think that same of region of Universe with the same set of law determining constants behave differently on different scales is not valid and the arguments put forward to support that reason should not be allowed. What these people do not realise that they are practicing "blind" faith. Things like Multiple Universes are also based on blind faith and it can never be proven or the claim can never be measured. Just because it is ssuiting your style has no refernce to reality. Your argument is equally true as to the argument of a Christian that an all loving God created this world. You both are on the same pedestal- accept it.
So there in fact is something which we do not know- we still don't find any reason for evolution and why plants grow that why and all other stuff. We are told that "there is no reason to evolution" and that things just work that way is an attempt to suppress our mind so that we can stay and behave in their regions and sphere of belief. We will discuss the theory of evolution, theory of mechanics in later posts. Not that I don't believe in evolution, but the fact that everything just happened to be lucky? Sorry but no. Evolution did happen, but it could not happen in such a perfect (yet contradictory to our numerous predictions which should have been met) yet imperfect way. That, there is no fixed pattern in it, we could not even find what living conditions are required to actually develop even a bacteria. Evolution- what's true and what's being told to be true, we will see in detail later.
So, NOW.. we are summed up in two types of people- one who puts God in everthing and one who removes God from everything. This kind of bipolar debates are not leading us anywhere, that is a fact and our observation. It can also be true that some of the readers also will not being able to give up their bipolar belief. Wait, wither their can be a God or there is no God... what you are even talking about? That my friend, is where we enter spirituality. The purpose of this post, is to first remove this "binary" thinking pattern that where there IS something or there IS no such thing everywhere. We have to give up this "Either 0 or 1" thinking which we developed for computers and not ourselves. This "true" or "false" is the reason of chaos. "My religion is true, yours is not" , or "Everything is an accident, but certainly the order can be explained" . In Hindu philosophy, there is a teaching.. that a thing can not only be just "true" or false". A thing can be either "True", "False", "Both true or false", "Neither true nor false". And these are perfectly logical statements. We are doing it everyday, we are staying together even following different religions, our worship pattern can be different but we can still eat together. We create a diplomatic pattern in every belief or moral values in order to derive maximum pleasure for ourselves. We just have to expand our horizons. Expanding thinking is not needed, we are already that intelligent, we just have to expand our horizons and applications where we apply the thinking patterns. That's it. We have to develop more "levels" in our logical thinking than just binary. Kindly wait now for me to explain further, but the first step here is to give up binary thinking.
Thank You! In later posts, we will see about Vedanta, Vedas and other texts(without being biased about any God. Fact is, there are no much books which talks about God apart from Him "ordering" the entire humanity). Death, NDE's, sacred geometry, Evolution which fit with facts, Consciousness, ethics beyond religion and Biocentricism. I have little reach over Buddhism so anyone wanting to study about it should refer appropriate materials. Till then you can refer these videos- vs Spirituality)
and other spiritual talkers like Sadhguru, Osho, and numerous others. Also, materials like works of Swami Vikenanda, Bhagwad Geeta and books of Osho and Dalai Lama.