My life is so much valuable
So, I began cleaning my old table when I realized it seemed
to be gaining extra weight due to webs cobbling around them. Now, it was full of some old books and files and I thought it was time to get the poor lad be free of some burden. As I was dumping the files and books, I came across a file loaded
with assignment papers. I looked through all of them before throwing them- just
for heck sake. I saw through them and my struggle in writing them. Earlier ones were pretty cleanly written but the later ones were just hastily written at such a pace where it could barely be read. I found it funny and remembered my projection of writing them all. As my eyes were crawling over them, I figured one set- I didn’t
recognize the handwriting in it. I tried to remember whether it was somebody's else, then I realized that it was mine- just that somebody else had written it for me. I quickly collected all those papers, remaining books and craps but before putting them altogether so that we can sell it off to the garbage guy, I paused once. Out of all the papers, i took out the one which my friend wrote for me and gave away the rest. This assignment was particularly, my prized possession. This is what I had really gained in my first two years of college life- "somebody wrote assignment for me." I know his hands must already be paining by writing his own- but he also cared for me to write as well. A person who always helps others is not what you can find in this world but if a person has helped me in a time of need- that sure does mean that he found something special in me and plus that I had "friends". Hence, this is the reason why I called it my "prized possession" and threw away all the assignments including the one in which I scored "20/20". So, a simple assignment which somebody helped me with, became my own prized possession and the thing which I valued the most when it was the time to get rid of those assignments. This is actually true, the most valuable things in our life is actually given by somebody else. Now, at the same rate, how others would rate our lives? Certainly by the factor by how much we were able to have an impact on their lives and not just for own personal interest. So, our value to life is created by something which we do for others, right? Think about it.
All life is really "meaningless"?
Many so called western "thinkers" think that all life is really meaningless. It is just the blind pursuit of money, power and position and one day this all will be over. But what I really feel that this is a paradoxical way of thinking. First, you only have defined the meaning of life in terms complying with your own thoughts and when in did not work out, you have claimed life itself as meaningless.
When somebody says that life is really meaningless, I am tempted to ask, "in comparison to what'?
In comparison to death?
But death is unknown!
In comparison to Universe?
But ain't that our own home?! Think about it. Look up at the stars, we are actually made of them. We are star dust. No, I am not singing some sort of poetry but there is a strong solid science behind it. Scientists have proved that our atoms are actually made at the temperature of stars and we share many elements. Watch-
In comparison to other lives?
Well it was always that way! The very next person standing next to you does not care about you, but only it is your approach which makes him to. If the world does not care about you, it simply means that your approach isn't global.
Then by what factor, on which scale, by how much amount is our life actually "meaningless"?
Why should I care? I just have one life, and I want to live it in the most happy way
Why should I care? Kids are starving in Africa. Many people are dying with Cancer. Millions of students are denied to education, so that YOU, YOU ugly pieces of shit loaded with parent's money can get one. Old ones are thrown into the old age homes because "man, they are way too old fashioned." But why should I care? Why only me? I am not responsible for anything! If people beat their parents for not being suitable to the modern world, just remember you are that "modern world".
I am BIG.
Really? Look at this picture, can you guess what it is?
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