Thursday, 3 December 2015

A New fresh list of Quotes you should not again miss!

This time I have tried to mix up my own quotes with others. Enjoy!

  • Don’t worry about when your life will end, keep worrying about when it will actually begin.
  • Life when seen as an expectation to happen, becomes all tragic and miserable even in its amazing wonderness. But when it is seen as a reality to be experienced, it becomes all wonderful even in its all tragedy and misery.

  • “Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist."- Epicurus
  • “Death is just a creative opportunity for life to reconstruct itself”- Deepak Chopra
  • "The purpose of life is a life of purpose." - Robert Byrne
  • You are not experiencing Life. Life is experiencing you.
  • Those who fear from death can never achieve anything in life.
  • It's not about why to work when you will die anyway, it's because we know we are going to die, we work.
  • You will meet two types of people the most in your life- First who does not think you have any potential, second who try to harm it. Keep searching for the third.
  • If it's so easy and smooth for you to live, it will be so easy and smooth for you to die as well.


  • If at all there is a God, he would be secular and not religious.
  •  If you meet a religious person, ask this question to assess how deep is he gone in his own stupidity-
  • People ask me, “how can you define good or evil without God?”, I ask them, “Well then, how do you define God”?
  • Believing in a secular God is good, believing in a religious God is irrational, believing only in your religious God is ridiculous and believing that your religion is fundamental is dangerous.
  • “Always believe in God.” Believe that he does not exist.
  • If you think criticizing a religion is racist, you must believe that all those who follow a particular religion constitute a race, in which case you are a racist.(derived from Dawkins.)
  • People say to me that I have some kind of hatred towards God. Yeah, I do have one- "Why such a great being does not exist?"
  •  "If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people"- Dr. House

          Christian- What is the age of the Earth
           Muslim- What is the meaning of the Jihad?
          Hindu- Are Vedas scientific? Or is speed of light
           Pagan- Fuck, you still exist?

  • All secondary thoughts that seem to be arise from the brain- intuition, creativity, wisdom can be explained as being “received” by the brain rather than generated and it would be still scientifically plausible. Our brain can very well be a valve.
  •  “Consciousness is a feedback of awareness”- Michio Kaku
  • When you have more and more ability to express your thoughts, your thoughts disturb less and less.
  • Thoughts are real. They have a start and they have an end. They have all powers to come into physical existence. You have to decide which one should

Hard Work
  • If you are unable to work when you are supposed to work, you will be unable to rest when you are supposed to rest.
  • A master who always make you feel down and appreciates only for a little moment when you do something good is better than a master who always praise you but ridiculously put you down if you do a bit bad.
  • If you do it good without being under somebody's guidance or obligation, it is passion. Rest everything are just talents.

  • I find solace in doing what everybody is doing but I don't find solace in getting what everybody is getting
  • If you do a thing, some people will bark, If you do not do that thing again some people will bark. It is for you to decide whether you want to give attention to your heart- or these dogs.
  • When people say, "have you gone mad?" it is that they don't have guts to do the stuff you are doing.
  • Future is secure for those who do not stay in it.
  • There is no need to say Sorry or ThankYou if you can justify or compensate it through your actions.
  • Postpone your mourning, not the pain.
  • The right thing and the easy thing is never the same."-  Kami Garcia.
  • I would not say to you what will happen if you give up because giving up itself shouldn't be an option,


  • See yourself as a soul who is exploring, not as this body which will die.
  • Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't." - Richard Bach.
  • Spirituality is looking for who is actually looking.
  • The correct path to life doesn't lie in finding God but it does in finding God within oneself.
  • “He who does not answer the questions has passed the test.” — Franz Kafka
  • That you are a body with a spirit is religion. That you are a spirit with a body is spirituality.


  • The people who feel lonely are the ones who do not enjoy themselves. Such persons should exist only in figments, they do not deserve reality.
  • Wisdom cannot be handled because it is not self containing. You can attain peace only when you share it.
  • People don't get happiness, they should find happiness in what they got. Seeking happiness is an infinite process.
  • Collect "Thank you"s. It is the best collection that you can have in life.
  • Self is the best company. 
  • Silence and peace is just the harmony and resonance of the highest frequencies which consciousness cannot fathom.
  • If your own actions are the reason of your miseries, how can somebody else's actions be the reason of your redemption/happiness? 


  •  You will find many good reasons to do the bad thing, but realize that it is not the reasons which decide the nature of the actions, result does.
  • World is like a mirror and philosophy is like water. Both show the same thing, but you can play with water, get inside it, let it inside you and also throw it on others.
  • Conscious understanding and realization of desires does not explain the irrationality of them.
  • If a person does not know how to identify himself apart from others and who don't know how to express his own uniqueness and is lost in the thought's of others is very well an animal. Maybe a pig.
  • Darkness is just a place for the light to shine.
  •  "I do not know." is always the correct answer. Believe me.
  • I am a jack of all trades because I know being an expert in something will make me disregard everything else that exists.
  • The best and worst feeling in the world- "Nobody cares."
  • If you let it at ease, it will GROW, but if you stretch it, it will only elongate with pain, but still not grow.


Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Hindu arguments against God

Hinduism is not only a religion, it's a philosophy, Supreme Court have already declared it to be a way of life, and not religion. We have freedom to choose our own God- whether a tree, monkey, or anything. This is a secular worldview in itself. You can see Hindu practices being immensely different at two places at the same time. This is its beauty, this is its color.

The Samkhya philosophy as quoted in Wikipedia, they are not my own thought but deserves to be mentioned. 

"Mimamsas argued that there was no need to postulate a maker for the world, just as there was no need for an author to compose the Vedas or a God to validate the rituals. They further thought that the Gods named in the Vedas had no physical existence apart from the mantras that speak their names. In this regard, the power of the mantras was what was seen as the power of Gods. Mimamsas reasoned that an incorporeal God could not author the Vedas, for he would not have the organs of speech to utter words. An embodied God could not author the Vedas either because such a God would be subject to the natural limitations of sensory knowledge and therefore, would not be able to produce supernatural revelations like the Vedas.
Samkhya gave the following arguments against the idea of an eternal, self-caused, creator God:
  • If the existence of karma is assumed, the proposition of God as a moral governor of the universe is unnecessary. For, if God enforces the consequences of actions then he can do so without karma. If however, he is assumed to be within the law of karma, then karma itself would be the giver of consequences and there would be no need of a God.
  • Even if karma is denied, God still cannot be the enforcer of consequences. Because the motives of an enforcer God would be either egoistic or altruistic. Now, God's motives cannot be assumed to be altruistic because an altruistic God would not create a world so full of suffering. If his motives are assumed to be egoistic, then God must be thought to have desire, as agency or authority cannot be established in the absence of desire. However, assuming that God has desire would contradict God's eternal freedom which necessitates no compulsion in actions. Moreover, desire, according to Samkhya, is an attribute of prakriti and cannot be thought to grow in God. The testimony of the Vedas, according to Samkhya, also confirms this notion.
  • Despite arguments to the contrary, if God is still assumed to contain unfulfilled desires, this would cause him to suffer pain and other similar human experiences. Such a worldly God would be no better than Samkhya's notion of higher self.
  • Furthermore, there is no proof of the existence of God. He is not the object of perception, there exists no general proposition that can prove him by inference and the testimony of the Vedas speak of prakriti as the origin of the world, not God.

Therefore, Samkhya maintained that the various cosmological, ontological and teleological arguments could not prove God." 


Sunday, 8 November 2015

What spirituality is all about- Lesson 1 Giving up the Binary Logic

It is all about mind-body dualism. That you are not this body. You are just experiencing it and not -it. But that does not immediately lead to soul. There are a number of differences between Religion and Spirituality and it is that we don't do stuff in order to "please" some deity who created us. We, in fact don't feel like the creator of the Universe to be like person. In fact according to Osho, "theology is all such nonsense".. many philosophers including spiritual leaders have argued that the humans draw their Gods as humans, tribals have tribal God, Negros have a negro God, Japanese have Japanese looking Gods. This is not plausible and indicates there is no absolute truth about Gods which is conceivable.

Wait, how can be you spiritual without believing in God?

Because there is more evidence to spirits, sacred geometry, etc than a religious God. If you make such an argument you conclude that spirituality arises from God but the fact is God in himself is spiritual and not physical. We, in our current sense of science understanding know that the source is something non physical. Matter is just an illusion and almost 99% of everything is actually -nothing. Stuff is coming from non-stuff. Consciousness is not physical. Hence we know source is not in any shape or size- so to say that God created Man in his own image is absurd. This is a sense of narcissism. "My God who created the entire Universe looks like me."

  Even if I agree that spirituality cannot happen without a faith in a religious God- then I will ask which God? Whether Abrahamic? Allah? Jesus? or Krishna or Zeus or Zoarastrian God? Which God? If I am born in India, I will believe in Krishna and source my spirituality from him, if I am born in Greek, I will derive my spirituality from Zeus, If I am a Muslim I will derive my spirituality from Allah. So, the source is irrelevant, but what everything has in common is the same thing- spirituality. In fact, "Everybody is an atheist" according to Richard Dawkins. Let me tell you religious Gods in a nutshell- GODS- Invisible, inaudible and imperceptible creatures who created this entire Universe to have a relationship with  creatures residing in absolute tiny tiniest parts of it specifically with one species- Luckily us. They spent so much time- 10 billion years to build this Universe, intrinsically placing each and each Galaxy in order and of perfect size and shape, exploding billions and billions of stars, and then to create an absolute tiny blue dot in the entire cosmos. And then after creating it, still waited for 4 more billion years before realizing that the true test of spirits is to make them a body in his own image and after 14 billion years of perfect creation and world JUST for humans, to test the creatures in order to provide ETERNITY of happiness or torture have given mere 100 years of life with a truly skeptic mind and ever growing thrust to know things and on the basis of their faith for bad evidence. In order to "help" humanity achieve heaven , they mouthed morals to primates, yet had none themselves. Who pledged vengeance upon crimes yet committed the all. Who swore forgiveness yet created Hell, who promised mercy yet sired Satan and allows Satan to live but decides to mercilessly kill and torture all those who gets carried away from him without providing a clear guidance. Who vowed to spread love yet sold us slavery. Who preached peace yet promoted genocide. Who told "Thou shalt not kill" but relevant to be applied only to your own tribe.

Realised the dilemma? We all are atheists to every God other than our religion, some people just go one God further, according to Dawkins. Now being Atheist should not mean materialism. Materialism is now not only old but is highly irrelevant and non-senseical. The "material" which we are made up of has absolute no reason to stay in their place as what we perceive to be. Quantum particles are non-local and we cannot determine their energy or position at the same time. Let me share with you some facts -

The enzymes which we are made of- chances of happening and being arranged in that level of sequence, according to Harvard University Maths professor is 10 raised to 40,000! That's more than the number of atoms we are made up of. So, if we think that it was all an accident, than the probability of success itself happens outside the total possibilities with the atoms. Plus the fact, that the Universe does not comprise of only organic matter leave the chances to be even less. So the probability is zero, not closed to zero, but just absurd. Scientists are discussing about it, physicists are discussing about this. But Materialists will just jump into the conversation and would overwhelmingly burden us with their extraordinarily logical and apprehension skills and can and WILL just convincingly conclude that "this" kind of "accidents" can occur. Now, the basic problem with this so overwhelmingly ignorant and highly biased attitude of saying that a printing press exploded into a dictionary, is that we don't see these kind of stuff happening in our daily lives. A universe which is in order just merely through accident should constitute of components which arrange themselves through accident and explosion. But we clearly see that this is not the truth. No amount of explosion in Earth will make things in order. Reality is more absurd than our wildest imagination of so thin possibilities of order within chaos. Clearly there is something much more than this concept. There are two theories which tries to low down our awe and a non-belief in materialism, i.e the theories which materialists use are-

1) There are Multi-verses. Please note that this theory is different from parallel Universes. Parallel Universes(which is slightly less difficult to believe but still not plausible enough to explain our observations) deals with different Universes which are equally orderly but the events are different. For example, in a different Universe YOU are probably not reading this post. But YOU are still there. And the Sun, the moon and everything which is required to constitute your existence is there. Only change is the consequence of the Universe, but the Universe remains still the same. That is why the term "parallel" and not "different". Multiverses says that there is a "Universe ejector" which ejects billions and billions of Universes and we are just in one of them statistically existing to be able to suit us. Now, this attitude of the argumentor shows that he has no absolute understandings of science and views everything in just abstract form. That every development and progress and hard work is just a joke and has no meaning and sense in a remote form. This only seem to logically explain things. That there are infinite number of Universes having different physical constants and we are one of them which has the elements supporting our life. Problem? The Universe ejector itself needs to be fine tuned! To create different Universes with different physical constants- for example one Universe to create which has the speed of light as 3.1 x 10^8, that universe is to be tuned to be able to produce distinct Universes otherwise both of them will collapse into one. There is no argument in return to that.

2) Universe is infinite and has different components for supporting different existences- This argument has basically come after realizing that the above argument is not sufficient. And also that there is not one factor for us, but there are numerous factors. ALL(I repeat, all) physical constants if disturbed in a order of 1 in 10^120, all forms of life could not exist. Realize the number, and this is not just for one, but all the constants. Plancks constant, Gravitation constant, Speed of light, Speed of sound, and hundreds of them. If even if one of them are disturbed in the order of 1 in 10 to the power of FREAKING 120, we could not exist. To say that this is just an accident is not sensible and is not logical to begin with. This fact can be confirmed with any theoritical physicist if you don't trust my knowledge. This is why almost all physicists are now increasingly becoming interested in the supernatural, or life after death, consciousness, etc. Even doctors. Which leads to numerous experiments on death and observations and studes on consciousness and spiritual healing, we will discuss them in later posts.

For now debunking the argument. Universe is infinite and in its infinite sphere of existence, it has different laws and we are in one of the region. In short, Universal constants are not not universal. If we accept this, even then our observations are not coinciding. If we slice our matters and explore the quantum mechanics, they are so nasty that they just ridicule our mechanics in our face. Projectile motion, gravitational force makes absolute no sense in the quantum world. The laws are completely different. So the particles we are made of, do not follow the law we do. Wait what? The "stuff" which we are made of does not follow the laws which we do. So, in the same region of Universe, the laws are different for different scales of world. Needless to also say, the region is highly in order and we have no connection to relate the two world. No connection at all. In this reality, argumenting such non-sensical statements is just absurd is not coming from a scientific mind. These minds are highly biased towards thinking stuff which they want to think and believe. This is just running from reality and turns down our desire to know more and more. Just like what religions do.

While religions try to put God in everything, Materialists try to remove God from everything. To think that same of region of Universe with the same set of law determining constants behave differently on different scales is not valid and the arguments put forward to support that reason should not be allowed.  What these people do not realise that they are practicing "blind" faith. Things like Multiple Universes are also based on blind faith and it can never be proven or the claim can never be measured. Just because it is ssuiting your style has no refernce to reality. Your argument is equally true as to the argument of a Christian that an all loving God created this world. You both are on the same pedestal- accept it.

So there in fact is something which we do not know- we still don't find any reason for evolution and why plants grow that why and all other stuff. We are told that "there is no reason to evolution" and that things just work that way is an attempt to suppress our mind so that we can stay and behave in their regions and sphere of belief. We will discuss the theory of evolution, theory of mechanics in later posts. Not that I don't believe in evolution, but the fact that everything just happened to be lucky? Sorry but no. Evolution did happen, but it could not happen in such a perfect (yet contradictory to our numerous predictions which should have been met) yet imperfect way. That, there is no fixed pattern in it, we could not even find what living conditions are required to actually develop even a bacteria. Evolution- what's true and what's being told to be true, we will see in detail later.

So, NOW.. we are summed up in two types of people- one who puts God in everthing and one who removes God from everything. This kind of bipolar debates are not leading us anywhere, that is a fact and our observation. It can also be true that some of the readers also will not being able to give up their bipolar belief. Wait, wither their can be a God or there is no God... what you are even talking about? That my friend, is where we enter spirituality. The purpose of this post, is to first remove this "binary" thinking pattern that where there IS something or there IS no such thing everywhere. We have to give up this "Either 0 or 1" thinking which we developed for computers and not ourselves. This "true" or "false" is the reason of chaos. "My religion is true, yours is not" , or "Everything is an accident, but certainly the order can be explained" . In Hindu philosophy, there is a teaching.. that a thing can not only be just "true" or false". A thing can be either "True", "False", "Both true or false", "Neither true nor false". And these are perfectly logical statements. We are doing it everyday, we are staying together even following different religions, our worship pattern can be different but we can still eat together. We create a diplomatic pattern in every belief or moral values in order to derive maximum pleasure for ourselves. We just have to expand our horizons. Expanding thinking is not needed, we are already that intelligent, we just have to expand our horizons and applications where we apply the thinking patterns. That's it. We have to develop more "levels" in our logical thinking than just binary. Kindly wait now for me to explain further, but the first step here is to give up binary thinking.

Thank You! In later posts, we will see about Vedanta, Vedas and other texts(without being biased about any God. Fact is, there are no much books which talks about God apart from Him "ordering" the entire humanity). Death, NDE's, sacred geometry, Evolution which fit with facts, Consciousness, ethics beyond religion and Biocentricism. I have little reach over Buddhism so anyone wanting to study about it should refer appropriate materials. Till then you can refer these videos- vs Spirituality)

and other spiritual talkers like Sadhguru, Osho, and numerous others. Also, materials like works of Swami Vikenanda, Bhagwad Geeta and books of Osho and Dalai Lama.


Sunday, 1 November 2015

Answers to some egoistic questions

My life is so much valuable

So, I began cleaning my old table when I realized it seemed to be gaining extra weight due to webs cobbling around them. Now, it was full of some old books and files and I thought it was time to get the poor lad be free of some burden. As I was dumping the files and books, I came across a file loaded with assignment papers. I looked through all of them before throwing them- just for heck sake. I saw through them and my struggle in writing them. Earlier ones were pretty cleanly written but the later ones were  just hastily written at such a pace where it could barely be read. I found it funny and remembered my projection of writing them all. As my eyes were crawling over them, I figured one set- I didn’t recognize the handwriting in it. I tried to remember whether it was somebody's else, then I realized that it was mine- just that somebody else had written it for me. I quickly collected all those papers, remaining books and craps but before putting them altogether so that we can sell it off to the garbage guy, I paused once. Out of all the papers, i took out the one which my friend wrote for me and gave away the rest. This assignment was particularly, my prized possession. This is what I had really gained in my first two years of college life- "somebody wrote assignment for me." I know his hands must already be paining by writing his own- but he also cared for me to write as well. A person who always helps others is not what you can find in this world but if a person has helped me in a time of need- that sure does mean that he found something special in me and plus that I had "friends". Hence, this is the reason why I called it my "prized possession" and threw away all the assignments including the one in which I scored "20/20". So, a simple assignment which somebody helped me with, became my own prized possession and the thing which I valued the most when it was the time to get rid of those assignments. This is actually true, the most valuable things in our life is actually given by somebody else. Now, at the same rate, how others would rate our lives? Certainly by the factor by how much we were able to have an impact on their lives and not just for own personal interest. So, our value to life is created by something which we do for others, right? Think about it.

All life is really "meaningless"?

Many so called western "thinkers" think that all life is really meaningless. It is just the blind pursuit of money, power and position and one day this all will be over. But what I really feel that this is a paradoxical way of thinking. First, you only have defined the meaning of life in terms complying with your own thoughts and when in did not work out, you have claimed life itself as meaningless.

When somebody says that life is really meaningless, I am tempted to ask, "in comparison to what'? 
In comparison to death? 
But death is unknown!
In comparison to Universe?
But ain't that our own home?! Think about it. Look up at the stars, we are actually made of them. We are star dust. No, I am not singing some sort of poetry but there is a strong solid science behind it. Scientists have proved that our atoms are actually made at the temperature of stars and we share many elements. Watch-
In comparison to other lives?
Well it was always that way! The very next person standing next to you does not care about you, but only it is your approach which makes him to. If the world does not care about you, it simply means that your approach isn't global.

Then by what factor, on which scale, by how much amount is our life actually "meaningless"?

Why should I care? I just have one life, and I want to live it in the most happy way

Why should I care? Kids are starving in Africa. Many people are dying with Cancer. Millions of students are denied to education, so that YOU, YOU ugly pieces of shit loaded with parent's money can get one. Old ones are thrown into the old age homes because "man, they are way too old fashioned." But why should I care? Why only me? I am not responsible for anything! If people beat their parents for not being suitable to the modern world, just remember you are that "modern world".

I am BIG.
Really? Look at this picture, can you guess what it is?



Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Philosophers I love- Epicurus

One who denies philosophy denies life. People with only materialistic understanding and literal senses would never be able to penetrate deep in to the mighty ocean of philosophy weaved through conscious efforts. I hereby decide to share one of the greatest philosophers one by one and their quotes.

His parents, Neocles and Chaerestrate, both Athenian-born, and his father a citizen, had emigrated to the Athenian settlement. He professed the idea of fearless life of wisdom and philosophy. He said that one must not fear things like death and must always pursue methods of true happiness. He started a school of philosophy called  Epicureanism. He suffered from kidney stones which took his life at the age of 72. Here is a very touching para from his Wikipedia page-

"At the time of death despite the prolonged pain involved, he wrote to Idomeneus:

I have written this letter to you on a happy day to me, which is also the last day of my life. For I have been attacked by a painful inability to urinate, and also dysentery, so violent that nothing can be added to the violence of my sufferings. But the cheerfulness of my mind, which comes from the recollection of all my philosophical contemplation, counterbalances all these afflictions. And I beg you to take care of the children of Metrodorus, in a manner worthy of the devotion shown by the young man to me, and to philosophy."

  Only some of his 300 works are remaining. Here are some of his pieces.

NOTE- This list is in no regard to the any religious or cultural beliefs. I do not profess any of them, although one has to disregard their pre conceived notions in order to fully enjoy these treasures.

  • I will start by his world famous "bomb". This one is known as Eucredian paradox.

  • "What was most important in Epicurus’ philosophy of nature was the overall conviction that our life on this earth comes with no strings attached; that there is no Maker whose puppets we are; that there is no script for us to follow and be constrained by; that it is up to us to discover the real constraints which our own nature imposes on us."

  • "Death is nothing to us, because a body that has been dispersed into elements experiences no sensations, and the absence of sensation is nothing to us. Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist."

  • "We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink."

  • This excerpt proves he was a genius. Note that his time was- 341 BC- 270 BC

“The risings and settings of the sun, the moon, and the other heavenly bodies may come about from the lighting up and quenching of their fires…; for nothing in our sensory experience runs counter to this hypothesis. Or the said effects may be caused by the emergence of these bodies from a point above the earth and again by the earth’s position in front of them; for nothing in our sensory experience is against this.Here two alternative explanations of “risings and settings” are offered; both are of equal value and equally true, since neither is contradicted by anything in our experience. On the contrary, we have all seen fires die down from lack of fuel, and lights obscured or blacked out by objects coming in front of them.”

  • You cannot stop smiling if you truly understand the irony- 
“The conquest of fear, especially fear of unaccountable divine beings who meddle in nature at will, means a reduction in the sum total of human pain and suffering and opens the door to the calm acceptance of a new picture of the world—a world in which nature is autonomous and where there are ideal beings who never meddle.” 

  • But he wasn't a full Atheist, rather an Agnostic. What I feel that, a true philosopher will disown religion and atheism both because neither of them seems to be fully true. He said what you can see or experience is true if you have tested it and not become skeptic of your own senses.
"If a person fights the clear evidence of his senses he will never be able to share in genuine tranquillity. In other words, a person who doubts his senses will either lose contact with the reality of the surrounding world, like the Skeptics, and become psychologically isolated and insecure, or he will fall prey, as do the religionists, to theological explanations which do not allay anxiety but foment it.”

  • LOL!
“The man who says that all events are necessitated has no ground for critizing the man who says that not all events are necessitated. For according to him this is itself a necessitated event."

  • This one is his most liked one- 
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”

  • “You don't develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity"

  • “It is folly for a man to pray to the gods for that which he has the power to obtain by himself."

  • “If the gods listened to the prayers of men, all humankind would quickly perish since they constantly pray for many evils to befall one another.”

  • “He who has peace of mind disturbs neither himself nor another.”

  • “He who says either that the time for philosophy has not yet come or that it has passed is like someone who says that the time for happiness has not yet come or that it has passed.”

  • “We must, therefore, pursue the things that make for happiness, seeing that when happiness is present, we have everything; but when it is absent, we do everything to possess it.”

  • Yeah, this famous sentence was the work of Epicurus- 
“If you wish to make Pythocles rich, do not add to his store of money, but subtract from his desires.”

  • "The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in surmounting it.”

  • “He who least needs tomorrow, will most gladly greet tomorrow.”

  • He took my words!
“The wise man who has become accustomed to necessities knows better how to share with others than how to take from them, so great a treasure of self-sufficiency has he found.”

  • “We need to set our affections on one good man and keep him constantly before our eyes, so that we may live as if he were watching us and do everything as if he saw what we were doing.”

  • “Therefore, foolish is the man who says that he fears death, not because it will cause pain when it arrives but because anticipation of it is painful.

  • “It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us."

Thursday, 22 October 2015

The Nirma-Shastra

I first not in any way claim to an expert but through constantly making mistakes I have learnt many lessons and they are extremely helpful to surviving in this place. I bestow reverence to my friends and some amazing faculties whom I found here and present to you my own list of things- which when followed will definitely lead a stable life at Nirma and probably a happy one too and I name it "The Nirma-Shastra."

  • Here is the ultimate test for your friendship with others - give them work when they are enjoying.Here is a test whether they can be exploited or not - give them work when YOU are enjoying. But remember of course that the exploitation period comes with a validity. Keep it for reserve.Note that- in both the cases you have to only observe their responses.
  • Make friends with at least 2 people whose home,hostel you could spend your night at, at your own convenience.
  • If you think that smoking/drinking "helps" you to relieve the pressure by Nirma, you deserve to be spanked in front of open public.
  • Do at least one thing apart from studies, projects, club activities- be it gym or any hobby.
  • Read Bhagwad Geeta, not once, not twice, nor even ten times. Even 50 is probably less. Don't just read it, work with it.
  • While organizing/volunteering an audi event for your club, if somebody is teasing you or making fun of you, remember they are not organizing it, you are. They didn't run for sponsorship and publicity, you did.
  • Okay- this is known to everyone. The compulsory 85% attendance rule is a myth. It can be turned around, bent, ridiculed, or be twisted at your own convenience. Two complete "extra" weeks off from Nirma, might result in only 1 day of writing papers for punishment. Choice is yours, don't be a coward or unnecessarily diligent.
  • There WILL literally come a point where you have to spoon feed some people labeled as your "friends" right from putting their proxy, providing them notes and study materials, making their projects, arranging passes for them in a function, to be a source for their entertainment to giving last minute exam explanations(and not revision) and showing them your answers in the exam.All this without any serious appreciation. In that case, QUIT immediately. Do not wait for them to return the favor through unknown mysterious help in the future for some mysterious reasons where you would not be able to do it yourself. Just quit, you are not his/her master but you have surely became his/her slave. Live your college life free, there are a lot of people who are open to attachments- find another ones.
  • Always argue with the lab assistant. It is their job to provide you components and help and you have the right to use the laboratory. To not use a laboratory of any other branch or during lecture hours is no where written in their so called "rule book". But limit yourself to just arguments, they too are pissed off from the hectic schedule and are more or less, in a same situation as you are in.
  • Believe in God, but don't believe in prayers. Let the miracles happen when you don't expect them to be. It's fun. Real fun.
  • Maintain at least 7.5 pointer. There is no amount of fun and no type of pleasure which will be compromised if you maintain that score and it is fairly easy.(Except for some D2D students).
  • Don't run behind perfection. It is like a dumb guy running a relay race-blind folded. Consider my example-
One day a man decided to find a perfect master and ask his answers on life and troubles. He decided to switch to existentialism and became firm on his decision. He traveled to America where he met a priest and made him his master. But sooner he began to realize that the priest is not what he was searching for. Priest's answers were very much subjected to limited knowledge that "God is love" and so on. He left the priest and went Europe. There he met with a saint but he had a really rigorous schedule. He took a very long time to answer one of his questions. One day he left him too and went to Japan. There he met a Kung fu master and accepted him but the master was very cruel. For every small mistake, he used to beat him a lot and torture him so that he learns quickly. He could not tolerate this for long and ran away. Then he went to a Tibetan monk residing in Himalayas. He found all the good qualities in him. He realized that although he could not find an absolute perfect master, this is the closest to what he desired. He asked the monk to become his master but the master refused. "Why"? The monk said that he will only accept "perfect" disciples.
  • Maintain good and regular notes in at least one subject which you love the most and stick to this rule for every semester.
  • Always be prepared with graph papers, file and other stationary. Don't let urgency haunt you.
  • If a girl unnecessarily fights with you frequently without any reason- propose her.
  • If you are going to competitive exam preparation classes, make sure you do at least one out of the two(classes and Nirma) works early enough that you can even handle extra load. Negligence and procrastinating will delve you into deep troubles because neither of the two places would tolerate delay.
  • If you don't know still, it is high time you should learn how to crack softwares and run it through drivers.
  • If you find a dancer, a singer, a musician, a writer, a poet or any of so around you, push him hard to perform and get recognized. It is your responsibility to drive him to the stage. But never take advantage out of their talents- grow up.
  • If you love programming - keep doing it. Your branch does not matter.
  • Never be hesitant to talk or crack jokes. The more you talk, the more your social quotient will grow and the more you will know what kind of talks are interesting and what kind of jokes really receive appreciation, this will help in your future.
  • If you are not so good at studies, make sure you maintain a close relationship with your immediate next roll numbers. You know what I am talking about.
  • Visit at least half of the famous eating outlets in Ahmedabad. This is a glory in itself.
  • Parties should have no reason, no specific time, no obstruction and should be done frequently.
  • Visit the library at least once in a month irrespective of exams, read newspapers at least once a week while also visit L block and "Gatta" bhai once in two months at least.
  • If you feel you are in a wrong college and your life is literally being destroyed here, do one thing to remain motivated. Take a diary and write 3 good things about what you have experienced here and write it down. Like, "I have so and so friends and I am elated at seeing them" or something like that. Subjects as well as verbs like "elated", "delighted" are important. Now read them everyday, carry that diary with you everywhere. Make sure it is the first thing you read after waking up and the last thing before sleeping and read them two or three times more in between. There is a condition- keep that a secret till 4 weeks. First week you will feel good, second week your mind will try to trick you in to stop doing it but continue, third week your mind you now distract you and you might feel that you already know it and don't have to read it again. This is the point where you have to apply maximum force and continue reading it everyday. On the fourth week you will successfully program your subconscious into feeling good about Nirma. This trick is 100% effective. (This life hack is taken from Quora and personally tested).

The list is open to additions and improvements. Thank You.


Monday, 12 October 2015

Goals do not exist.

Human mind can always display projections. Reality for it is "data" to be just interpreted and come to conclusions. It is bound to stay in either future or past because present is the only reality that exists and it cannot stay in or show you reality, it can only interpret it. If you are happy now, it will tell you how you can go on to be happy. It cannot allow you to remain happy. It will push you further. If you are sad it will tell you what all factors caused you sad and go on and on and ditch you deeper and deeper. So calm down your mind, it cannot help you realize what it really is. Hence, if you continue using your mind all the time- you can never experience anything what it is. You can see a rose, a beautiful rose, you have to realize the beauty of it. You cannot certainly do so with the help of your mind- it will always ask conclusions and explanations. If you listen to your mind and go on to understanding the rose, by the time you have understood it- the rose is gone. And you are only left with some chemicals and theories. Rose existed in your mind because you were perceiving it and now, you have killed it.

Take that rose as your life, and realize the importance of what I am saying. Goals are just projections of your mind to you. It is showing them to you simply because it cannot show you reality. A goalcentric mind is bound to stay in the future. I am here right at this moment but your mind is in the future. We can never meet. All sorts of goals, ambitions are really useless if they aren't your passion. They are useless if you aren't enjoying doing them, or at least which will not give you a sense of satisfaction or achievement or peace. Can your goals give you a complete peace of mind? If your answer is "yes", ask it again whether it is "yes" or "yes but only for some time". If you were allowed to live for eternity, will you choose to continue working for the goal you achieved? Then, my friend it is not a goal, it is a passion! You can eternally create something is you do not have any pressure to perform but You certainly cannot continue living a boss, you certainly cannot keep creating "perfect" products. They are goals and Goals do not exist.

Your body do not need goals, your mind have simply developed them due to External influences.

External Influences

   Human mind, in its all amazingness is also really stupid. Whenever it picks up a belief system, it becomes a watchman if it. Researches show that around 12 months of time is enough to feed your mind about anything and convince it that "this is the only way of life".Since we do not know what to do, we allow others to decide what we should, during our childhood. For that entire period of time, we remain in the state of illusion and by the time we ourselves take control of our lives, we simply do not know anything else and hence we accept it as our reality and purpose. To toil your playing years in school, score extremely well no matter what you are good at, get a good college and perform exorbitantly good there too.From there you have to get a job, and if you are one of the fortunate beings, you have to get higher education. Life is nowhere else. There again you have to perform well there too. And we just accept it at is. If you do not believe that you are disillusioned, Think about terrorists. Think about ISIS. Think about Kasab. What difference is there between you and Kasab if you are believing and working for the same stuff you have been taught your entire childhood? You both are thinking your own situations as "this is only what life is". It is just that the damn society doesn't accept his actions but readily accept yours because voila! You are going to become a servant of them. There are even step by step guides to reach your goal and all sorts of tons and tons of "motivational" shit. I doesn't require statistics to say that 99% of their so called theories(fantasies) will never work. But wait a second, if we really need a step by step "external" help, then is that goal ours? Why do you think you even need a motivation to do something which will bring you pleasures? Are they saving their time or are they investing in you? So that you reach -THEM.

If somebody ever suggests you what to do- how to do, what subjects to study, ask them one question and ask them with such a spirit that they get frightened. Ask them, what they have really achieved as a person in particular? Are their careers giving them peace or just money. Are they "experiencing" happiness or are they simply "getting" happiness. Latter is an illusion. You cannot "get" happiness from external things. Happiness is a state of mind. Mind has again tricked you into believing that you are happy. Your mindless mind again conquered you.

One of the several "goals" of people is to protect their country's so called "dignity"and "honour". I tell you a truth. "Honour" is a created phenomenon. Wars are purely fought for economic reasons and are sold to the public in the terms of honour and country respect and there is no need to prove them right- we are already divided.

The society is giving you your goals, not you. What we consider as our goals or our "life purposes" are actually sold off fairy tales to us by corporate peoples. Who are these corporate people we seem to be tremendously attracted to and readily accept our slavery to them as our "GOALS"? They are evil selfish people. I kid you not and I will repeat it again.They are evil and selfish people. You are working hard, straining yourself to serve evil. Corporate people are just a small tiny group of people running their giants, profiting from our works and destroying everything which comes in between - whiz.


They destroy their very own creator. They feel that since they are going to die before all the resources run out, they have to use them anyway so that they could be "benefitted". They will hire you on the basis of our "green energy" or renewable energy sources research paper but will anyway place you in a heavy boiler. They will make you release chemicals and toxics, in to air, water and what not which is actually your home.You will first apply to them, work in hierachy, rise and then apply for "leave". You just made a cycle to yourself but you didn't realize what shit you have done. You realized that you cannot do what you "loved" anymore and returned to you old self but you have already done some irreversible damage to your home. Benefit was only theirs- not yours. But they will not even flinch-They have no morals. They will simply lure you into viscous circles and trap you by their arguments. You prove them wrong and they will switch to another arguments. They do no live for you, they live for their arguments.


Other humans

And many more, and any other which may come....

And if you, by chance due to the very unlucky human nature start to realize you are doing wrong- they have temples for you. They will tell you to ask forgiveness from God and everything will be fine, so that you can go back to sleep. So that you can wake up back to them. I ask "you", the future you in a temple, church or whatsover -praying, apologizing to your own God about all the wrongs you did in order to reach your "goals", you have realized it now? Did you suddenly have brain- now? You are standing there in a place built by man, and idols made by man in man's own image! What are you doing there?

I don't know about you, but I am highly answerable to my conscience and it is cursing me. What am I destroying in this illusion of creating something?

Once, I asked an atheist girl why does she or all of us live and work hard if we are going to die anyway, what good will it bring it us- she said we exist because we have our own goals. Now, what kind of nonsense is this? Just reply in all senses that are left in you and answer whether you exist because of your goals or your goals exist because of you?

But goals do not exist. It is believed to exist. It is believed to be pleasures. It is believed to be the only way to life. It is a packaged terrorism. But it just doesn't have "Cautionary warning" on the packet those cigarrettes has.

Go back to life and all of the moments you have lived, realize which were the most happiest ones?
Maybe simply being with your parents, or parties. Did that require you to toil? Did you plan anything just at the party door, you will "do this", and "do that"? Did you buy a self help book on how to enjoy parties? No! You enjoyed it because you realized that these are the only few hours you have- for free, in which you are free and are free to do anything. We are actually doing things in reverse.

Goals are not a place to your mind, they are boundaries. Melt them. Before returning to a mad race of reaching somewhere to gain an illusory state of happiness- first just be. Just close your eyes and look around you, appreciate all what you see, because it will be gone if you turn yourself away from it in order to reach your "goal" because Goals do not exist.


Monday, 14 September 2015

Do God exist?

No He doesn't. The God you are looking for doesn't possibly exists. Your image about Him is somebody who will show up to you to prove His existence. Such a thing doesn't exist, we know that since it hasn't been like that(for many many times, atleast).

"Show me a number and I will show you God." said a believer on a social media site. Numbers exists but have you seen them in physical form? I can give you two carrots and one apple, it your logic that actually tells how many of them are. Nobody have actually seen numbers but still they believe in their existence, they actually use it and they are allowed to be entered in lives. Why doesn't has anyone actually questioned about the physical existence of numbers? Only a kid with not sufficient amount of logical reasoning and who is not able to digest the numbers and Mathematics can possibly question this. 

But you can argue that since the numbers are the creation of humans only, it can be equally possible for the case of God. We just create things for our own practical purposes. But was creating "1", "2", etc. affected the existence of 2 carrots and 1 apple. NO! Do the number of carrots and apples change for a kid with no knowledge about numbers, NO? Now we slowly begin to understand that it is not the numbers we created, but the manifestation of it. In order to use an entity, we have to build a concept around it. And that is what exactly is the manifestation. Now you can, at your utmost desire can ridicule almost every aspect of our number theory. There is no logic for the number "eight" to have only 5 letters. Why we write numbers as 1,2,3 and why not 1,11,111,etc.? Assigning a single digit to a number is illogical and is defying its own existence and meaning and hence it is wrong! Why do not constants have a unique perfect value on paper? These all stuff is pointless hence the numbers must not exist! But did you ever raise these questions?

Now we can realize that when we are ridiculing religious practices and traditions, we are actually ridiculing the manifestations about God. Claiming that the number theory is ridiculous is irrelevant to to the number of carrots and apples! Almost every type of Atheist principles are derived from the misinterpretation about the believer's interpretations about God. There is no need to explain that. For example, the very famous argument- "if God wants something, He would just have it, there is no reason for Him to create us and get His job done and hence God should not possibly exist." which simply puts forward this question- who told the argumenter that God could get anything He wants. This continues to disapprove each and every of the Atheist principles amazingly on the same grounds which Atheists themselves like to fight- insufficient data. In case you are wondering I don't know about it, I know MORE Atheism than you because I was practically an Atheist for a fairly long time without FAKING. I didn't sneak into praying halls when nobody was seeing, I made fun of all the people who went to temples and churches, I attempted to tear the photographs of various Gods and so on. I was literally a fanboy of a very idiotic(I realized it right now, though! :() group- Atheist Republic. 

This lovely parable is from "Your Sacred Self" by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?”The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.”

“Nonsense” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?”
The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.”

The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.”

The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.”

The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover if there is life, then why has no one has ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.”

“Well, I don’t know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.”

The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?”

The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her this world would not and could not exist.”

Said the first: “Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.”To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and  listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.”

This parable is just as amazing as it can get. Even if you still have doubts, watch this amazing masterpiece which will blow your mind-

Scientific Evidence of God

Do souls exist?

"The body works just the exact way it should be, even after assuming that the souls doesn't exists or possibly running the body" said a researcher possibly working on neuroscience. Yeah, lol. Neuroscience is the branch of science which has been proven the greatest enemy of the concept of soul. But how could the explanation of the working of an object defy the existence of somebody running it? This "We know how it works, hence there is no creator of it" concept is what basically has been employed here. While you are describing the working of the brain, you are describing the movement of neurons, the path of the brain cells which are responsible for our "consciousness", but who said that the matter cannot exist without a soul? They both are mutually exclusive and it is clearly described in all the religious texts, especially in Bhagwad Geeta and many Buddhists philosophies. So this concepts are again described from the misconception of concepts. 

"Soul does not exists" You even require consciousness to realize this statement. If neurons are bringing them to you, who is actually making neurons to do so? If body is working without a soul,why haven't they have already formed a human body when they already had successfully generated human tissues? If soul doesn't exists why we cannot create energy and only use it one form or another?

And again, there are innumerable examples from the ancient practices like worshiping nine planets, mentioning the exact distance between earth and Sun, the components of the bed rock which the humans of those times couldn't possibly know. I have till now only touched modern concepts.

 I followed the path of Agnosticism for most of my life. The logical principles held by Atheists did fascinate me but it is ultimately foolish because it is written very very earlier that the presence of God is in itself irrational so how can His existence be tested or proved on rational and logical grounds? Also their theory on evolution is entirely bullshit. It has been time and again proven that many things in our own body and almost entire organism on our planet are all interlinked with each other such that it was not at all possible for one to exist without the another, so in order for them to come into existence they must have been created AT THE SAME TIME. 

A fast fact, when your body is about to vomit, 10-15 seconds earlier your mouth is filled by saliva so that when you are vomiting, the harmful acids won't harm your delicate mouth tissues. What are the chances for a mechanism of this stature possibly happen by accident? There are endless such examples about the amazing working of our body and for the disapproval of the fact that everything is mutually exclusive which is beautifully described in the video. Check out the history, the ones who pioneered the field in science and medical were as such as equally a believer, the ones that didn't believe were either philosophical orators to whom nobody paid a heed to, until their death or some stupid scientists who all their lives worked under under the believers thinking that nobody supreme than themselves exists(Well yeah it was a bit exaggeration, sorry. It is not meant to be fully believed) or simply the ones who knew nothing about science and barked till Hell that science should be given time. Because the one who saw the working of amazingly complex yet delicate nature was completely amazed and couldn't help but believe in an intelligent creator behind everything. 

I had spent around two months thinking only about these stuffs and if I were to write everything I thought in this period of time, it will result in a book. I will keep updating this post, though. It is for you to enjoy and wonder :)

So the answer to the above question is that there are 100% chances for God to exist but we aren't meant to understand Him because if we were we would have been already, long long ago. Furthermore, if we were to understand God and all his ideologies and wisdom, we would become God ourselves. 

"God exists but not for the reasons you think of".

So the correct path to life doesn't lie in finding God but lies in finding God within oneself. Here is a picture of a Buddhist monk FEEDING a tiger-


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