Saturday, 22 August 2015

Why are Patel's asking for Reservation?

Because India is a fucked up country. Yes it is. The capacity to inflate an infinite balloon with stupidity is mediocre task for us. Their demand is just how illogical, we will see.

Since last few days, the specific Patidar community going by the name "Patels" are organizing a widespread rallies to demand their inclusion into the OBC list so that they can enjoy the perks of reservation because "others too enjoy it."

They say they are making a protest in "Gandhiji's" style but if their demands are not heard they would adopt "Bhaghat Singh's" style.

The expected number at the 25th August rally has risen to 40 lakhs. Larger and larger number of people from the Patel community are joining from across the different places in India  to prove themselves "minority". Damn that irony.

They are doing so because they think that the reservation brings "unfair" advantage to some particular castes, so "why not we?".

The above statement is made by Hardik Patel himself, the man who triggered these rallies and is now the leader of them.

Now how stupid it is for the residents of a particular state who never wished to dwell outside(except travelling of course), asking for them to be regarded as a minority?
You grow up in Gujarat. You live in Gujarat, you reproduce in Gujarat as well. Because Gujarat is one of the best states to live in(we although cannot deny patels' contribution for making it so), hence you don't move out. And since you do not move out, you are less found in the other states. And since you are less found in other states, you want to be regarded as a minorty.

You say you are strong. You say you are angry. You say you are revolutionary, yet you want reservation. Reservation was intended to bring UP the deserted communities but it seems like that now people WANT to go DOWN to be called as a minorty. Kuch to gadbad hai boss!

Anyways dumbfucks like me will continue to bark at poles so you just move on.
I just hope if the same amount of energy was spent for removing caste based reservation, not that it would actually make a huge difference but it would certainly could have been something to the Indian reservation system which the 1857 war was to the British empire.

EDIT- The Patel rally is over now. Read my detailed answer on it and the  other side of the coin of this incident.


Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Aurangzeb- Man of terror or man of error?

The Mughals invaded India in 16th century and ruled for about 2 centuries. Aurangzeb is considered to be the primary reason of their downfall, maybe that’s why he should be considered “good” but I will try to talk about him in general.

This is a general belief that he was one of the worst and the most brutal “tyrant”, who ever ruled our country. Facts? Let’s unravel them and testify.

 He is believed to be anti-Hindus or anti-Indian because of some of the reasons below,

      1)      He killed his own father and all his brothers- No, You are wrong. He never killed his father and all his brothers, but actually took over his father's throne forcefully. That's it. Aurangzeb worried too much about the economy of the system. His father, Shah Jahan had got probably really high, building structures and structures! Shah Jahan actually diverted the income for army and protective measures to build Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Jama Masjid, etc. He destroyed millions of rupees and actually depleted the “shahi khazana”. Aurangzeb acted.  But Aurangzeb wasn’t the first one to rebel against his own father. Jahangir had done that already, even Hindu Rajkumars did that, so he wasn’t the progenitor of this practice. Now Shah Jahan had many sons. Aurangzeb defeated the important princes like Dara(his son, Sulaiman too), Shuja, Murad, etc, by either deceiving them, imprisoning them or both. He captured Shah Jahan by blocking the water supply to the fort thereby forcing him to relinquish, but held him in respectable way. Shah Jahan was confined in female apartments and was taken care of by his own favourite daughter Jahanara which Shah Jahan himself wished for. And when he died due to illness, Shah Jahan was buried gracefully. After getting the throne, he even released many of his brothers whom he held as his prisoners and to make the relationship better, Aurangzeb married off his daughters to them.

     2)      He hated Hindus- Aurangzeb’s regressive policies actually give us a hint that they were anti to any Non-Muslim beliefs. The most important one being- jijyah. The tax which every non-Muslim had to pay and also it was the type of tax which would only be accepted when paid in person which used to be sometimes humiliating. But again, the purpose of jijyah wasn’t only to load financial burden on the Non-Muslims(read ‘Hindus’) or to even promote conversion to Islam. Jijyah was collected in return to the Muslim security the citizens enjoyed. It wasn’t collected from crippled, old men and women. Only healthy male individuals were supposed to pay jizyah if they didn’t join the army. If they do, without converting to Islam, they would get rebate on it. But there was hardly any instance when anyone joined the army or converted to Islam in order to escape jizyah which suggests that the amount was something which could be easily afforded amongst the middle-class men. Furthermore, the very own security was against Hindu rulers themselves. There are several instances of "Veer" Shivaji attacking the established Mughal towns and acquiring the wealth. In case if Mughal army fails to save the citizens from the attack, the full amount of jizyah paid by the citizens until then, was returned. Furthermore, it is logical to conclude that since Aurangzeb ruled for half a century, if he had wanted the Hindus to convert to Muslims, we wouldn’t be living in a Hindu-dominated country.

      3)      He hated Hindus(again)- Aurangzeb is believed to be highly bias towards the Muslims and he never allowed any Hindu in higher ranked positions. Nope, again. Few historians are of the opinion that the Hindu officials had become disloyal due to the laxity of Aurangzeb’s predecessors such that Aurangzeb actually had to adopt harsh methods to keep them on the track. Interestingly, the number of Hindu nobles employed in the court rose to a much higher value during his reign.

His policies had been very economical in nature which is sometimes why, they are highly questioned. I tried to present some points which may have been till now, misinterpreted about him. Though I cannot deny that he sent out orders to destroy temples including the famous Jagannath temple. Fact is that history is mystery, we can never know what made a god-fearing Muslim, whose religion teaches that all religions are equal, to do that. We can just contemplate the facts and rationally draw conclusions out of them.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

A question which even Google cannot answer.

Atheists claim that Google is their God since it can answer every question for them. We know there are a lot of exceptions. I got one. It is,

“What is the purpose of life?”

Google cannot answer it. No. Don’t create a new tab and google in the phrase to check it. I want you to remain here only and just read on.

Everything you find around you is man-made. Except nature.  Nature is something we found already existing. Trees, mountains, rivers etc. They were already existing and there is no absolute record of the whereabouts of their origins. Religious books says they were created by God and we believe them to be true because the writers of them were obviously more close to the date of the creation of these nature elements, so the probability of them knowing the creator is more, right?

So we believed them to be true and then we moved on.

Then came another series of questions, who was the first person to live, how were they like?
Again we referred to the same old dusty, bulky books and they convinced us with some names. Different names.

People got separated. Some followed some particular books, some followed the another and rest another.

As the world progressed and civilizations developed, then came some more series of questions, why there is evil, why cannot God just destroy everything that is evil? If he is the protector of good, why don’t he destroy everything that is bad?

And again, they came to our rescue. The very same books. Old, dusky, bulky religious books. But by this time, they had gained supreme importance, they were worshiped. Whatever was written in it was meant to be believed with absolute no doubt.

“God will come, one day”, they told us. They declared that the world was moving towards its end or the sins/sinners are exceeding day by day and a point, by every interpretation in logical conclusions will come that the bad will outnumber or maybe the worse, overcome the good. At that time, God will come and save the good. There were instances which were told, when God rescued people when such a thing happened in the past, so and so.

So, we decided that we should wait. Wait for the Almighty to come. To come and rescue us.
But the point to notice was by this time that cultures were separated and with more inter-cultural involvement, the world became diversified. The diversification  had broadened the minds and so some people, liberal people started to think that if God rewards the “good”, why did he even create the “bad”?
Here’s where hypocrisy creeps in. I’ll tell you where.

“Good” and “bad” were never defined. These characteristics were never meant to be. The “books” just provided the paths to be followed and we labelled anything against it as “bad”.

How? Of course it is, can’t you see? The terrorists would never feel guilty about what they do, dishonest people would never make a confession about their adultery, burglars would never feel low because of their faulty sources of income. They consider their job “good”. You cannot force anyone to think according to your own way.

So, when we realize our preconceived notions about “good” and “bad” as baseless and irrelevant, we tend to question our very thought process. What made us think this way? What made us to divide our own set of human beings?

The desire to compete. You know earlier this phrase was very popular “There is only one lion in the entire forest”. Which seems to be a proof of a thing that if you leave another lion in a forest which is already having one, they would fight and it will be a survival of the fittest. Deers don’t compete, they don’t have desire, hence what they are? Just preys.
So, as intellectual beings on the earth, it is the desire to compete which makes us to divide. How will there be a competition if there is no team?

But, currently we find around hundreds of lions in a single forest! Because even they have come to know that very few of them have been left and so they have given up on their ego!

But when we would? That is not known but surely we do are adopting measures to sustain the human civilisation for a longer time. When exactly? That’s a different question altogether.
Hey, we diverted our question! We were discussing about what is the purpose of life!

It must not be doing “good” because we just saw the concept is purely man-made and more importantly highly subjective. So, the purpose must be something which is not either. Something which is neutral.

!Hypocrisy alert!

The concept of “purpose” is in itself a man-made thing!

I will share an incidence.

When God created man, he just simply created it. It was equivalent to us building automated bots. To make them intelligent and just leave them on their own and watch them, happily and to be proud of our own creation.  We have to do something right?

So when man was born, he got up and looked around and asked, “What is the purpose of all this?”

God- “What? Should there be even a purpose?”
Man- “Of course there should be!”
God- “Okay then, I let it for you to find that.”

Since then, could anyone ever found out his/her purpose? Can we find our purpose? Why do we exist? Let’s find out!

When questions like, “What is the meaning of everything”, “Why do everything even exist?”, “What would I gain?” breaks our heart and makes us to wonder too much, we are actually having a materialistic point of approach to anything in particular. We are asking the reasons for the existence of the most beautiful gifts given to us. I will tell you what I believe, the moment you plunge too much into analytical details, you lose your creativity. If you cannot create anything, well you must just die!

But still that doesn’t answers our question. Okay, let’s reset our brain. Let’s forget everything that’s man-made. Let’s forget everything which was meant to be believed only because some XYZ person told us to. Now, in our raw brain, let’s start defining things. Lets not start judging about “good” and “bad”, for now let’s settle for anything which is “Positive” or “Negative”(I love Maths okay!).

We weren’t taught to crave for positive feelings. They just resonate somehow and it pre-existed within us.  So, we define “positive” as something which we WANT to be happening again and again and “NEGATIVE” as something which we don’t want happening. Fine? Let’s start!

Destruction is NEGATIVE. Of course it is. If anything doesn’t exists anymore, it can never happen again even if we wished for. Now, let’s try to answer the question,

“What is the purpose of life?”

There is no purpose! There is no purpose given by God. I will tell you one thing, those beings who are driven by or who believes that they have to serve the “purpose” of God are doing the cruellest things in the world. You know what I am talking about. They are doing some of the most evil thing one can imagine. And some of them is banning porn dude! SHIIIT!

The actions that we do are necessary. Mostly because we have to something, and also we are moving forward. So if temporary things are necessary, we do it. We learn maths, we learn chemistry, we learn engineering! It is to move in the forward direction. It is to create balance! 

Let’s say India is waging a war against Pakistan. It’s necessary so we will do it, but if we make it the “purpose” of our very own life, we tend to destroy every citizen of it! We start to
“destruct” it. NEGATIVE!

Now, let’s say you are given a purpose. An ultimate goal. Now, imagine you complete it. Then, what will you do? Nothing?

But wouldn’t be then the life would turn out still meaningless? Also, if there has to be a purpose of life, wouldn’t we have to actually live it, explore the entire possibilities and try find it? Then why we keep bothering our hearts to actually look for a purpose every now and then? Shouldn’t we simply enjoy what is given to us?

Life is meant to be enjoyed, my friend. Enjoy it. Scientific developments will keep on, its necessary but when you make them your entirety; remember there is a research going on, on horses whether they prefer carrots over bananas or bananas over carrots. Smile! Live happily! Make experiences so that they remain etched in your memories. Go out and do something awesome!


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